Smart Phone

End-to-End Encryption : This API library allows credit card processing data to be encrypted on an Android smart phone or iPhone as well as an iPad or Android tablet device before sending it to the processor. The software application can send the encrypted card information to the payment gateway to be decrypted and processed for settlement. This gives the mPos developer more control of mobile app transactions. The encryption key is an RSA public key that is unique to them. This means that the encrypted credit card data can only be used to process a transaction through the payment gateway account. The payment gateway has access to the private key that corresponds to this public key.
The credit card data is encrypted using AES encryption with a new randomly generated key for every card. This key is then encrypted with the public key along with the card data. This packet is unreadable to anybody without the private key which is only known to the secure payment gateway.
Swipe Device Library : This mPos SDK library utilizes the encrypted credit card readers supported by the payment gateway. This includes parsing the data and notifying you when an EMV credit card reader is connected, disconnected or ready to receive a swipe.
Every merchant account will have to stay compliant by completing a SAQ Self Assessment Questionnaire every year or they will be charged a monthly PCI non compliance fee. PCI monthly & annual fees may still apply to a merchant account based on PCI Tier level of business.